The Metabolic Link
The Metabolic Link
Fasting Mimicking Diet cycles, longevity and age-related diseases | Valter Longo, PhD | The Metabolic Link Ep.55
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In this episode of The Metabolic Link filmed at Metabolic Health Summit 2024, Dr. Valter Longo shares his latest research on the fasting mimicking diet (FMD) and its powerful impact on aging, metabolic diseases, and cancer treatment. With a focus on periodic fasting interventions, Dr. Longo highlights the role of FMD in activating stem cells, enhancing cellular repair mechanisms, and even reversing metabolic dysfunctions like insulin resistance and type 1 diabetes.
Dr. Longo’s work is paving the way for more accessible, non-invasive therapies for chronic conditions, with far-reaching implications for aging, cancer prevention, and metabolic health. If you’re an academic, medical professional, or researcher, you won’t want to miss this in-depth discussion on how FMD could shape the future of medicine.
Valter Longo, PhD, is the Edna Jones Professor in Gerontology, the Director of the USC Longevity Institute and group leader at the IFOM cancer research institute in Milan, Italy. His laboratories study the fundamental mechanisms of aging in yeast, rodents and humans by using genetics and biochemistry techniques. The focus is on the nutrient-response signal transduction pathways that regulate disease and longevity. This work led to the discovery of the effects of periodic fasting and fasting mimicking diets on multi-system stem cell activation and regeneration in mice, and to clinical trials on a range of age-related diseases.
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Genova Connect: Receive 15% off any of their tests with code metaboliclink at https://gdx.net/themetaboliclink
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Learn more about Dr. Valter Longo here.
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