The Metabolic Link
The Metabolic Link
Jeff Volek, PhD, RD | Exploring the Keto-Adapted Phenotype: Focus on Muscle | The Metabolic Link Ep.49
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In this episode of The Metabolic Link, recorded at Metabolic Health Summit 2024, we share Dr. Jeff Volek's full presentation where he takes a deep dive into the "Keto-Adapted Phenotype" with a focus on muscle. Dr. Volek, a leading expert in low-carbohydrate and ketogenic diets, shares groundbreaking research on how ketones impact muscle function and performance. Dr. Volek explores the intricate ways ketones influence muscle glycogen metabolism, ketone production in skeletal muscle, and even heart function.
Dr. Volek unpacks underappreciated aspects of ketosis, such as how muscle glycogen can be preserved and replenished without the need for high carbohydrate intake, the role of ketones in cardiac health, and how skeletal muscles may play a part in ketone metabolism. This thought-provoking episode not only challenges conventional ideas about energy and performance but also offers insights for athletes, health professionals, and anyone interested in optimizing metabolic health.
About Dr. Volek
Dr. Volek is a registered dietitian and professor in the Department of Human Sciences at The Ohio State University. For the last 25 years, he has performed translational research on how humans adapt to ketogenic diets with a dual focus on clinical and performance applications of nutritional ketosis. His scholarly work includes more than 350 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts and five books. Dr. Volek is the Chief Science Officer and Co-Founder of Virta Health, the first clinically proven treatment to safely and sustainably reverse type 2 diabetes at scale without medications or surgery. Dr. Volek has a Bachelor of Science in dietetics from Michigan State University, and a Master of Science in exercise physiology and Doctorate in kinesiology and nutrition from Pennsylvania State University.
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